Sunday 21 November 2010

Key Concepts of FLP Business

The key concepts of this plan are:

1. It is free to join Forever, registration is free meaning no enrollment fee or monthly / yearly activation fee is charged.

2. All bonuses are paid on the retail price of the products, not the wholesale price or a percentage of it.

3. All positions within the Plan are permanent, meaning that targets for moving up the plan only have to be hit once, that's it, a distributor will not be demoted due to inactivity of sales. Once they have been promoted to a level, they will remain at that level. You see a good marketing plan allows you to relax if you need to.

4. There are many different ways to earn money, retail profit, retail bonus, team leading bonus, leadership bonus, a Gem bonus, an earned incentive program and a profit sharing program and an international travel program.

5. No Pass Ups - Nobody in your downline will ever be promoted to a position above you. If a distributor in your downline excels, they will automatically bump you up to the next level when they receive a promotion

Forever Living's Marketing Plan is successful because it is simple; it's one of the easiest ways to get started in your own business. As already desribed above the plan also keeps distributors secure in whatever level of success they achieve. So once they reach any position in the Marketing Plan, they'll stay there.

Everything about the FLP business plan is designed to help a new person build a solid, stable business.

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